During the week commencing 16th October,
The Music Train are asking all children (and any grown ups brave enough) to attend The Music Train in their pyjamas. The teachers will all be in their nightwear too so it should be an interesting week all round!
The Music Train are raising money to help a lovely family who have attended for many years. Matthew, who will be 3 years old in November, was suddenly diagnosed with a very serious form of cancer in August 2006 and is undergoing treatment which is likely to span many months.
His father initially had to take time off work and can now only work reduced hours. Unfortunately, he only gets paid for the hours actually worked, and as a result, financial concerns are beginning to put an extra pressure on the family. The Music Train are hoping to raise enough money to see the family through this difficult time, with any extra raised being donated to a cancer charity.
Coby will be joining in to help Matthew and will attend his Music Train class on Thursday 19th October in his PJ's. Please sponsor him as generously as you can, and if at all possible, donate your money at the time of sponsoring. This will mean that money raised will reach the family as quickly as possible. Just click on comments below and leave your name and the amount you would like to donate. I will arrange to collect your donations personally.
Thank you so much x