Monday, January 25, 2010


A family day out in London is always a great treat and we recently introduced Coby to some of the sights. He was impressed with the lions in Trafalgar Square and we had a lovely lunch at the Rainforest Cafe on Shaftesbury Avenue. The highlight was paying £30 for three drinks and three pieces of cake in a patisserie off Leicester Square! Al reported the crime to a passing policeman while Coby thought it was fantastic that we were walking along with an officer!

"London is cool mummy"

National Portrait Gallery

Trafalgar Square


Rainforest Cafe

Madagascan Penguin at large

The following views are of Trafalgar Square a century apart in 1908 and 2009

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Boys

Coby blows bubbles with Courtney and Heath

Hiding in Heath's bed

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Reasons to be Cheerful: Toy Story 3

After ten long years of waiting, Disney/Pixar have created more magic and it happens on 18 June 2010. Tick, tock, tick, tock...

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Times They Are A-Changing

We were more than happy to put 2009 behind us and we're very much looking forward to the coming year. The family has endured a year of ill health, bereavements and redundancy. However, looking to the future, we welcomed two beautiful babies to our family, Luigi (12 March) and Amber (30 November). We also welcomed Adam, when he married Teresa in September. We wish continued good health to Nanny Ann and Auntie June, two matriarchs of the family who we love and cherish very much.

Granny Wendy had arranged for Coby, Al and I to go to Disneyland in Paris for what would be her 65th birthday in April. We nowhave this holiday to look forward to and know she will be with us in spirit.

Finally, a quick anecdote to share with you. I returned to work on Tuesday and began to tidy the children's section when I came across a small tag poking out of a book. It looked like it had been dropped there and it simply said "without my friends, I'd be nothing". Indeed, we are very much blessed with wonderful friends and family and, particularly within the last week since Wendy died, they have proven to be even more wonderful. One of my personal new year's resolutions is to give more time to them all and appreciate them even more than I hope I already show.