Coby started his first Gymbabes class last Wednesday and we had so much fun. There are lots of apparatus for the babies to use depending on their stage of development. After a chat with one of the staff it was agreed that as Coby's next natural step will be towards crawling, this should be the area to concentrate on, so we popped Coby on a skateboard to introduce the idea of being able to move while on his tummy. He also loves to stand up on those sturdy little legs of his, so we stood him beneath some mini monkey bars and let him grab hold and keep himself upright. We have been given permission to take some photographs next week so you will be able to see for yourself exactly what he gets up to.
On Thursday we headed to the Health Centre to check Coby's weight - 20lbs 11oz - he's sticking to his line just above average and should start to even out when he starts crawling. The Music Train followed and we sang loads of songs this week and ended with 'Lets Go Fly A Kite' while waving red ribbons.
By Friday, the sun was really beating down, so we took the opportunity to spend some time in the garden. Mummy tackled the lawn and cleaned out the shed which was full of cobwebs and dead bugs. She felt very itchy and uncomfortable afterwards. Coby observed from his lookout point...

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