I feel its been too long since I gave you a full Coby update and the little fella starts school in September! As most of you will know, we moved house in February. I also gave up my job with the intention of spending more time with Coby to help him settle and to work on the house. Since then we have progressed quite well, although it has been hard work going through Wendy's things. She liked to keep EVERYTHING! We were already familiar with the area and the majority of our friends are located in Borehamwood and North London, so settling into the area has been no problem. Coby has been attending swimming lessons every Monday, a drama class every Wednesday and has, in the last three weeks, been attending a new nursery for just one day a week. He has eased right in to the nursery, which is very different to Puddleducks. I thought it important to keep his time at Puddleducks firm in his mind, so we've visited a couple of times to find that his little mates still talk about him. Oliver and Presley in particular were extremely excited to see him.

The transition from being in full time nursery to being with mummy all day has proved a challenge. Coby is highly energetic and requires lots of stimulation, so while lots of messy play, baking, play dates, trips to the cinema and theatre, library, swimming, drama and trampoline time are in abundance, there have been occasions where I have struggled to entertain him while trying to work in the house too. However, his first day at school will soon be upon us and he is more than ready....

Coby writes...
So he starts school on Monday 6th September. On Thursday 8th July he has an afternoon session in his reception class with the opportunity to meet his teacher and teaching assistant. His uniform has arrived and we're very lucky to be able to walk to and from school every day. I start college in September too, learning more complimentary therapies, so big changes to our daily routine from then on.

In the meantime, we're enjoying the Summer, spending lots of time in the garden, going to lots of BBQ's and generally hanging out together...oh and watching lots of Scooby Doo!
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