Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Coby is 18 months old today!

It has been an amazing journey watching him flourish from baby to toddler. The day he was born will forever remain a vivid memory and the time that has passed since then, as fast as it has been, has been filled with so many delightful memories. I look back at photographs of him and can't believe the transformation from a totally dependent baby to a little boy with an emerging personality

Here are some reminders...

Coby Zephyr arrives at 8.35am on Wednesday 16 November 2005

After spending five days in the Neo-Natal Unit at Barnet Hospital
Coby is ready to go home

A moment captured in time for prosperity

Coby at 6 months old

Coby at 1 year old

Wednesday 16th May - 18 months old


TOOTH - November 2006 (1 year old)
STEPS - February 2007 (15 months old)
WORD - April 2007 (17 months old) and the word is CAR

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