We've just spent a magnificent weekend in the Dutch capital of Amsterdam for our wedding anniversary. Our good friends, David and Purdy joined us for much food and sight seeing, however, we are very glad to be home as we've missed Coby soooooooooooooooo much!. He has been in the capable hands of nanna and grandad in Lincolnshire and we get to see him tomorrow!!

The Westerkerk, designed in 1619
and reputed to be the burial place of Rembrandt

The facade of the Koninklijk Paleis
(Royal Palace) on Dam Square

Statue of the Dutch writer, Multatuli
by the Singel Canal

Purdy, Sarah & Al

David & Al relax in the Grasshopper

Different spelling, but pronounced the same

The Amstel by night

The Singel Canal as dusk closes in

Sarah, David & Purdy

Sarah & Purdy preparing for three courses
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