Coby has been upgraded now from baby bath to grown up bath.

He has a fab seat that stands in the bath allowing him to kick and splash around while freeing up our hands instead of trying to hold him in the crook of our arms while attempting to wash him with one hand, often resulting in back ache and a frozen shoulder!

He seems to love bathtime especially now we've introduced some toys and he particularly loves it when we wring the flannel out over his face and tummy.

I have to say, I love this time we spend together in the evening, he smells so gorgeous after his bath and looks so content when he's wrapped up in a warm sleepsuit.

Tonight we put some lavender in the oil burner in his bedroom and played some classics on the stereo - Ray Charles, Nat King Cole and Sarah Vaughan. Coby seemed perfectly happy lying in his cot and listening to the music - he soon drifted off Zzzzzzzzzzzz
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