At last! After months of planning, all twelve mummies and daddies got together for a joint celebration of the babies 1st birthdays. We had an extra long table at the Angel's Reply in Hitchin and all the mummies fulfilled their designated roles to perfection - Paula had booked the venue, Vicki arrived with the balloons, Michaela with the cake, Angela with the badges and I, well I almost didn't make it. We were about to head out from home when Al spotted the flat tyre! After discovering that the spare tyre was stuck fast beneath the car, we abandoned it on the drive and called for a taxi. Baby car seats were not designed to be moved easily from one vehicle to another and this proved to be the most troublesome part of the afternoon, however, after being chauffered by a very nice taxi driver, we still arrived in good time, goody bags in hand and not a single hair out of place.

Coby waits patiently for his spaghetti bolognese,
ordered like a grown up from the main menu

Coby's 'Secret Santa' present (ssshh - its from Alicia)

Alicia & Lola get stuck into their goody bags which contained:
Winnie the Pooh stickers, DVD, Mr Men/Little Miss book,
Organix Fruit Bar, Box of raisins and a bubble bath
(Little Miss for the girls, Thomas the Tank Engine for the boys)

Coby & Louis wrestle - again!
Once the fun and frolics were over and the waitresses had breathed a sigh of relief, everyone headed back to our house for tea and cake and fireworks! Maddy rustled up some sausage rolls and we all sang Happy Birthday to the babies. We even saved a piece of cake for the AA man who came to fix the tyre on our car!

Happy 1st Birthday Babes - we love you!
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