Thursday, October 07, 2010

Harvest At Jimmy's

Where do you go for your first camping trip with your little one? Al did his research and discovered a very family friendly festival full of food and frolics! The location was Jimmy Doherty's farm in Ipswich, he of TV fame and friend of Jamie Oliver. The line up was great: The Futureheads, Scouting for Girls, Newton Faulkner, The Hairy Bikers and loads of food stalls and entertainment for kids. We did pretty well for our first adventure, just one night was all we did and I happily hold my hands up now and admit I'm a hotel and hairdryer kind of gal. I don't mind roughing it for a time, but God bless my shower and toilet.

Coby loved it! He thought the tent was great and enjoyed tucking into our picnic once all the pegs where in. He enjoyed building a den in the wood and chasing a frog into his hideaway. He rolled with laughter in a sumo suit made for someone twice his size. He loved the double decker bus with the secret ball pit on the top deck

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