Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Many a Happy Hour....
...spent in the kids shoe department. And I dare say that over the coming years, it will only get better!! Coby and I waited nearly 40 minutes yesterday to have his feet measured for some new shoes, only to discover he is still a 3G. Coby, naturally, got bored and hungry. He wandered several times into the lingerie department and I was worn out steering him back in the right direction when he refused to walk and threw himself on the floor. After munching his way through his entire supply of 'Coby Snacks', he eventually found amusement in a kid's bedroom tent...

Coby Hotspur
I had the best day today! Mummy and Uncle Mark took me to the Spurs shop in Tottenham and bought me the new strip. Mummy chose navy blue and had my name and the number one printed on the back! I am going to wear it tomorrow, so mummy will take a picture to show you all.
After that we all went for lunch in Loughton and mummy and Mark had big, big burgers while I took a nap in my pushchair. Mark had Moroccan chilli and went bright red while he was eating. I think I even saw steam coming out of his ears!!
Then Uncle Mark took us to the Metropolitan Police Sports Club in Chigwell and we had loads of fun in the park. Mark chased me everywhere and I think I wore him out...


After that we all went for lunch in Loughton and mummy and Mark had big, big burgers while I took a nap in my pushchair. Mark had Moroccan chilli and went bright red while he was eating. I think I even saw steam coming out of his ears!!
Then Uncle Mark took us to the Metropolitan Police Sports Club in Chigwell and we had loads of fun in the park. Mark chased me everywhere and I think I wore him out...


Sunday, July 29, 2007
Aloha Aviva!

Friday, July 27, 2007
Happy Birthday Michaela!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Oliver's Return
Oliver may be enjoying the sun and sea at his new home in the South of France, but you can't beat rainy, windy England for catching up with friends. After weeks away, Vicky and Olly have returned for good and not so good reasons. It was a happy occasion this afternoon when we took the kids along to Van Hage Garden Centre in Ware and had a lovely reunion with them. As well as myself and Coby, there was Maddy, Louis, Angela, Alicia and our new addition, baby Samuel. We had lunch in the restaurant before letting the kids loose in the gift store. Unfortunately, Vicky has returned because Olly is due to have open heart surgery on Monday to repair two holes in his heart. He will be in intensive care for 48 hours and then will spend a further two weeks in hospital recovering. Vicky tells us that there is a specialist heart centre in Monte Carlo, a 40 minute journey from their home in Cannes. Vicky and Simon are considering taking Olly there after he leaves hospital in London, so his recovery will no doubt be aided very hastily by some beautiful, bright and very warm sunshine. In the meantime, they will be living in accommodation near to the hospital in Chelsea for the next fortnight.
Our thoughts will be with you guys!
Our thoughts will be with you guys!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Its All About to Kick Off...

What is JK going to do with her time now?
Fish? Whatever!

Peace One Day
For the sake of Coby and all our kids...this video is the most important you will watch for a long time.
Support Peace One Day!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Rocky in the Highlands

Making Memories
Coby and I have just returned from a fabulous few days with nanny and grandad in Lincolnshire. Mum had her first round of chemotherapy on Friday, so we couldn't wait to go and give her lovely hugs and kisses. On Tuesday we all went to Cleethorpes, the most glamorous hot spot on the east coast of England hee hee. It didn't matter where we were though, we had THE best time walking on the beach, eating fish and chips and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. Coby loved it. And I loved seeing the smiles on mum and dad's faces as they enjoyed some precious time with their grandson. We're going back in three weeks and can't wait!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007
20 months today
Well Coby is 20 months old today and the last 20 months seem a blur. His second birthday looms and that is going to be great fun. Alas Coby and SJ have gone to visit her mum for a few days to help her get through the first dose of chemo from last week. So I am all alone...but Nanna B needs a dose of Coby Power and lord knows that is enough to put a smile on anyone's face...so enjoy Nanna B...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Race For Life - Complete
Well, the 5km turned into something close to 10km when we parked on the completely opposite side of the park and had to walk about one and a half miles to the start line. Chiltern FM were on stage going through the warm up and then it was race time! Michaela, Nikki and I were right at the front and we counted down to the horn blowing and then we were away. The course was great with only a couple of steep inclines to tackle. Michaela and Nikki left me behind after a while which was fine because I had no intention of running the whole way. At the half way mark I met up with a girl called Hayley and we stuck together through to the finish. Hoorah!! Coby and Al were waiting for me at the end and then we pretty much had to walk the entire course back again to get to the car! Thank you so much to everyone who sponsored me - together we raised £350 for Cancer Research UK. More photos to follow soon, in the meantime, you can see the photos taken by Chiltern FM and those sent in by other participants by clicking on the link.
Many congratulations also to our lovely friend Purdy, who took part today in the 10K Bupa Great Capital Run in Hyde Park. I did this a couple of years ago and it was hard work. Purdy finished in 1 hour and 9 minutes and helped raise loads of money for Help A London Child. Well done Purdy!
Many congratulations also to our lovely friend Purdy, who took part today in the 10K Bupa Great Capital Run in Hyde Park. I did this a couple of years ago and it was hard work. Purdy finished in 1 hour and 9 minutes and helped raise loads of money for Help A London Child. Well done Purdy!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Special Wishes for Nanny
Mum, thinking of you today! We love you lots and can't wait to see you on Monday and hang out for a few days - fish and chips in Cleethorpes has never sounded so appealing!
Be strong and think of Coby xx
Be strong and think of Coby xx
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Coby & Yoya
Bless my pal Michaela for looking after Coby for a couple of hours today while I went off to work. Coby and Lola had a lot of fun together, playing, eating, watching TV and cuddling. Lola is way ahead with her speech now and this morning it was "Coby this" and "Coby that". Michaela has been trying to teach her to say her own name and success finally arrived today after picking up from Coby. It sounds more like Yoya, but very cute. Speaking of cute, when we ask Coby "Who's a cutie pie?" his response is "ME"......
Say My Name
We met Lola and Louis yesterday morning for a quick catch up and the kids had fun in the play area while Maddy, Justin, Michaela and I supped hot chocolate and coffees. Lola is really coming along with her vocabulary and loves saying "Coby". At one point Coby fell over and Lola exclaimed "Coby crying". Michaela had kindly offered to look after Coby this morning while I was at work and when we arrived all we could hear was Lola shouting her favourite new word "Coby". And in response, Cobes is saying "Lola" with a very proud grin on his face.
Monday, July 09, 2007
We Want Your Money!!

In the week leading up to this Sunday's Race for Life in Stevenage, here is a final reminder that you can still sponsor me, if you haven't already done so, by scrolling down slightly and clicking on the 'Just Giving' badge in

Saturday, July 07, 2007
The Live Earth concerts are taking place right now across the world. I'm sat here watching the Foo Fighters fantastic performance. There is so much focus now on being green and eco-friendly and reducing our carbon footprint - lets hope its not too late. A thought for our beautiful planet and our children who will inherit it.
Today is also the second anniversary of the London bombings. Seems hard to believe it was two years ago. I was pregnant with Coby at the time and took the day off for personal reasons. At the time, Al and I would travel on the Piccadilly Line between Kings Cross and South Kensington to get to work. There is every chance we could have been on the train that was involved in the bomb at Russell Square, or at the very least, been caught up in the chaos that followed. A thought for those who were not so lucky.
Barnardo's Big Toddle
On Friday 13th, Coby and his nursery are taking part in the Barnardo's Big Toddle a sponsored walk for under 5's. Childhood is precious and should hold special memories and shape a child's future. Sadly, there are too many children in this world who lose out on what should be the best years of their lives. Your support will be appreciated so much. Just click on comments below and leave a message. Or click the button below to sponsor me...£5 is all I am asking for...
The Bedtime Hour
Here is Uncle Martin reading to Coby. And not just one, not two, but three bedtime stories! Coby sat listening intently to Scooby Doo & the Shiny Spooky Knights, The Tweenies in Looking After Doodles and Shrek the Third complete with sounds.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Coby Loves: The Simpsons
Coby thinks the Simpsons is fabulous. As soon as the intro comes on, he throws his head back, grins from ear to ear and points frantically at the screen. This is one of the best intros ever!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Just Keep Swimming...

Next week, we're on with the arm bands to join the toddler group.
Here is Coby after his session, which quite frankly leaves me exhausted for the rest of the day, munching on a snack while I try and muster up the energy to get us both dried off and dressed - not an easy feat in a teenie tiny cubicle.
My Dad
Hard to believe it was exactly one year ago today at 8:35pm that my dad passed away...has been a tough couple of weeks on top of a tough year. Hopefully today marks the close of that tough period.
This is a picture of my dad from soon after the war...he looks like a little boy and when I imagine what he had been through the fact that he is smiling amazes me.

Sunday, July 01, 2007
That's Our Boy!
Mr Independant

No Longer Alone
Since the sad demise of Mickey and Mallory, our remaining fish, Mr White, has been all alone. We decided to pop in a couple of mates for him on Saturday. With Coby's help, we selected a cute little goldfish and a Blackmoor. In honour of our new prime minister, we've named the goldfish Gordon. While the quick, jerky movements of the Blackmoor inspired us to name him Ninja.

Coby & Sleep
Something is occurring to us: the earlier Coby goes to sleep, the later he tends to sleep the next day. Makes no sense to us but it does work. 7pm last night meant he got up at 7:30am today...bliss! 8pm means he wakes at about 6am ish. Almost like some weird inverse relationship. Go figure eh?
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