Thursday, July 12, 2007

Say My Name

We met Lola and Louis yesterday morning for a quick catch up and the kids had fun in the play area while Maddy, Justin, Michaela and I supped hot chocolate and coffees. Lola is really coming along with her vocabulary and loves saying "Coby". At one point Coby fell over and Lola exclaimed "Coby crying". Michaela had kindly offered to look after Coby this morning while I was at work and when we arrived all we could hear was Lola shouting her favourite new word "Coby". And in response, Cobes is saying "Lola" with a very proud grin on his face.

Lunch time? Yipeeeeee!

Lola discovers a new way to eat yogurt

Coby tucks into his chicken and cheese wrap

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