Well, the 5km turned into something close to 10km when we parked on the completely opposite side of the park and had to walk about one and a half miles to the start line. Chiltern FM were on stage going through the warm up and then it was race time! Michaela, Nikki and I were right at the front and we counted down to the horn blowing and then we were away. The course was great with only a couple of steep inclines to tackle. Michaela and Nikki left me behind after a while which was fine because I had no intention of running the whole way. At the half way mark I met up with a girl called Hayley and we stuck together through to the finish. Hoorah!! Coby and Al were waiting for me at the end and then we pretty much had to walk the entire course back again to get to the car! Thank you so much to everyone who sponsored me - together we raised £350 for Cancer Research UK. More photos to follow soon, in the meantime, you can see the photos taken by Chiltern FM and those sent in by other participants by clicking on the link.
Many congratulations also to our lovely friend Purdy, who took part today in the 10K Bupa Great Capital Run in Hyde Park. I did this a couple of years ago and it was hard work. Purdy finished in 1 hour and 9 minutes and helped raise loads of money for Help A London Child. Well done Purdy!
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