Hello everyone. I went to the doctor today and she examined me to make sure that I am ok and everything is tickety boo.
I now weigh 13lbs 1oz and my height is 56.5 cm. My reflexes are excellent and my response to light and sound is even more excellent. So I am officially excellent!
Mummy was checked by the doctor too because she has to be sure that everything is tickety boo with mummy as well so that we can look after each other properly.
We did not get time to go to the library or the leisure centre because my friends all came over and my mummy made lunch for everyone.
We are going to the library tomorrow and guess what? My daddy has the day off work so he is coming too! Yipppeee! Mummy has a whole list of books she wants to get so she can read them to me when I go to bed at night.
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