Sunday, April 30, 2006

Baby's progress: 5 months, 3 weeks

According to our favourite baby website, Babycentre, we should notice Coby becoming much more sociable now, thriving on attention and learning how to get more of it as well as initiating attention from others. He is mastering more physical skills such as lifting his head and shoulders off the ground, arching his back and extending his arms and legs. As you may have read earlier this week, Coby has now started Music Train classes where he can listen to rhythmic tunes and touch and listen to musical instruments. To encourgae this area of his brain, I also play music to him at home and tap out the tune using his hands or feet, clapping them together in time with the beat. I also read at least two books a day to him and although I try not to encourage too much TV, we do watch the occasional film and I go for colourful ones such as Shrek, Finding Nemo and the Baby Einstein range.

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