Here are some pictures of Coby's mini family and friends....
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
Colic frolic & missed feeds
Coby has got a touch of colic.
Colic is evil. Basically it is like terminal trapped wind! Well, it is terminal for Ma & rest, no settling him. Hell.And it makes his little chubby chin quiver...ahhhhh!
The day after it started the health visitor told us to use Infacol. The infacol seemed to have an effect after a couple of days and those two days were hard work. Feeds took twice as long. Unstoppable screaming more or less after every feed. Murder! Poor Coby.
When the Infacol finally kicked in it was bliss. Anyone got any tips for colic? Ivan, checked your book and is very useful.
Note: If the health visitor tells you to stay on infacol for a couple of weeks unless your guts tell you to stop...just stay on it for two weeks. If the colic stops that means the infacol is working and not that he is cured! Ma & Pa learnt a valuable lesson there for sure.
Then, two nights ago, Coby missed his 2am feed. It was Christmas Eve and he slept from about 10 until about 5...wahoo! He missed one again last night. I think this is the start of him sleeping through more. Seems to be from about 11 until about 4...hooray!
Colic is evil. Basically it is like terminal trapped wind! Well, it is terminal for Ma & rest, no settling him. Hell.And it makes his little chubby chin quiver...ahhhhh!
The day after it started the health visitor told us to use Infacol. The infacol seemed to have an effect after a couple of days and those two days were hard work. Feeds took twice as long. Unstoppable screaming more or less after every feed. Murder! Poor Coby.
When the Infacol finally kicked in it was bliss. Anyone got any tips for colic? Ivan, checked your book and is very useful.
Note: If the health visitor tells you to stay on infacol for a couple of weeks unless your guts tell you to stop...just stay on it for two weeks. If the colic stops that means the infacol is working and not that he is cured! Ma & Pa learnt a valuable lesson there for sure.
Then, two nights ago, Coby missed his 2am feed. It was Christmas Eve and he slept from about 10 until about 5...wahoo! He missed one again last night. I think this is the start of him sleeping through more. Seems to be from about 11 until about 4...hooray!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Seasons Greetings
Friday, December 23, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Blue is the colour

As most of you are probably aware Mr T and I are fans of Tottenham Hotspur, so naturally it would follow that Coby's favoured colour is also blue. Here we have him modelling the latest design from the Early Spurs collection as bought for him by Uncle Mark, who cannot wait to take him onto the terraces at White Hart Lane. Obviously he has a few years to wait before Coby is old enough to shout "We love you Tottenham we do". In the meantime, we have our hands full keeping the Arsenal fans in the family away from Coby's influence (boo hiss those of you who bought him the Arsenal Teddy).
Friday, December 16, 2005
Cute as a button

Coby has developed a view on the world that consists of opening one eye, scanning the scene before him and then dropping off to sleep if things don't look interesting. He is quite a clever little bunny. The other morning while lying in bed with mummy, he appeared to copy everything she did. Mummy opened one eye to check on him, so did Coby. Mummy stretched, so did Coby. We both dropped off to sleep together, napped for about half an hour and then woke up at the same time, again opening one eye first to check each other out. Within the next few weeks he will begin to focus and, more importantly, start smiling, which I am very much looking forward to. In the meantime, to encourage his senses and reflexes, I have been singing, reading and talking to him as well as exercising his legs and arms and trying out a little baby massage. He even seems to be responding to noise and colours from the TV. We're hoping he doesn't become addicted to Eastenders and Coronation Street just yet, but we'll keep you posted.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Chubby Teplet
What an earth is in formula milk these days?? Young Coby now weighs 9lbs 12oz!!
So the breast-feeding didn't quite work out for us after much tears and trauma, but such is life and I've come to terms with the situation now and stopped beating myself up about it. Coby, on the other hand, doesn't have a care in the world and is supping happily away on his bottles and filling out nicely.
So the breast-feeding didn't quite work out for us after much tears and trauma, but such is life and I've come to terms with the situation now and stopped beating myself up about it. Coby, on the other hand, doesn't have a care in the world and is supping happily away on his bottles and filling out nicely.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Hertfordshire Explosion - We are fine
At about 6am today massive explosions hit fuel depot not too far from where we live.
We were feeding at the time and heard and felt the blast...weird...and assumed it was a tremor. We live 25 km away and it still sounded like it was next door.
A few people have got in touch to ask if we were affected...we weren't thankfully. Other than having to change our trousers. Thoughts go out to all those involved.
Thanks for all your texts and emails.
We were feeding at the time and heard and felt the blast...weird...and assumed it was a tremor. We live 25 km away and it still sounded like it was next door.
A few people have got in touch to ask if we were affected...we weren't thankfully. Other than having to change our trousers. Thoughts go out to all those involved.
Thanks for all your texts and emails.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Massive congratulations to our friends who are expecting babies..
Cass & Chris - we are so excited for you - can't wait to introduce Coby to Baby D.
Simone & Anthony - what happy news, especially following the birth of your nephew in September. Coby is going to have so many little friends next year!!
Keep well everybody and take it easy ladies - if we can do anything for you, just say the word!
Enjoy every moment of your pregnancies.
Congratulations to the wonderful friends we made in our ante-natal classes. We have all given birth now to beautiful babes...
Maddy & Justin - baby Louis was born on Tuesday 1st November
Angela & Richard - baby Alicia was born on Monday 14th November
Paula & Mark - baby Jasmine was born on Sunday 20th November
Vicki & Simon - baby Oliver was born on Tuesday 22nd November
Michaela & Tony - baby Lola was born on Friday 25th November
You're all stars!
Cass & Chris - we are so excited for you - can't wait to introduce Coby to Baby D.
Simone & Anthony - what happy news, especially following the birth of your nephew in September. Coby is going to have so many little friends next year!!
Keep well everybody and take it easy ladies - if we can do anything for you, just say the word!
Enjoy every moment of your pregnancies.
Congratulations to the wonderful friends we made in our ante-natal classes. We have all given birth now to beautiful babes...
Maddy & Justin - baby Louis was born on Tuesday 1st November
Angela & Richard - baby Alicia was born on Monday 14th November
Paula & Mark - baby Jasmine was born on Sunday 20th November
Vicki & Simon - baby Oliver was born on Tuesday 22nd November
Michaela & Tony - baby Lola was born on Friday 25th November
You're all stars!
Friday, December 09, 2005
This is the life
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Pots of Art

Coby's feet were immortalised in paint when we took him to Pots of Art in Hitchin. Being the creative artist in the family, dad was left holding Coby while I set to work with the pottery and paint - what fun I had! I could have attempted a whole dinner set of plates, cups and saucers but Coby will only sleep for so long.

The best thing about our day out was meeting up for the first time with the five other babies born to our new friends from the NCT ante natal classes. Coby got to meet Louis, Olly, Alicia, Jasmine and Lola. They were extremely well-behaved and Coby did not move a muscle while his feet were covered with blue paint. Here he is overwhelmed to meet Alicia (left) and Jasmine (right) for the very first time. All three could hardly contain their excitement.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005
POPS: The sick truth about MILK
Tonight on POPS (brought to you by the Coby News Network) we bring you a disturbing report. We show you the tragic face of milk addiction. We have exclusive footage before, during and after an addict gets their fix.
Produced in the milk fields of Sainsbury's this dangerous drug is most commonly purchased in carton form (although we hear that tubs of powder will soon be available). 59p a carton might not seem a lot to you and I but to a baby it's a fortune and they will stop at nothing to satisfy their twisted craving.
WARNING: Some of our viewers may find these images cute.
The truth is ugly and just before a baby gets his or her fix they writhe and distort such is the anguish. In this pose we see a baby threatening the reporter with some kind of martial arts move unless they hand over their milk stash.

At a certain point during the 'feeding' the baby becomes aggressive and lashes out until they are placed in the position below. Apparently when they take the milk air gets trapped and they have to be winded.

That image was hard to capture and an undercover POP was nearly killed in the process.
Finally peace is restored (see below) and the baby is becalmed. For now. Until their sick milk habit once again forces them to kick and scream until someone gives them their next hit.

Milk IS a drug and people are being hurt - lives are being ruined and yet still the government does nothing to outlaw this vile substance.
How do POPS deal with this harsh reality? One day at a time!
NEXT WEEK ON POPS: We uncover the sick truth about Nappies. Who makes 'em, who wears 'em and what goes on inside.
Fade to black. Theme tune kicks in.
Produced in the milk fields of Sainsbury's this dangerous drug is most commonly purchased in carton form (although we hear that tubs of powder will soon be available). 59p a carton might not seem a lot to you and I but to a baby it's a fortune and they will stop at nothing to satisfy their twisted craving.
WARNING: Some of our viewers may find these images cute.
The truth is ugly and just before a baby gets his or her fix they writhe and distort such is the anguish. In this pose we see a baby threatening the reporter with some kind of martial arts move unless they hand over their milk stash.

At a certain point during the 'feeding' the baby becomes aggressive and lashes out until they are placed in the position below. Apparently when they take the milk air gets trapped and they have to be winded.

That image was hard to capture and an undercover POP was nearly killed in the process.
Finally peace is restored (see below) and the baby is becalmed. For now. Until their sick milk habit once again forces them to kick and scream until someone gives them their next hit.

Milk IS a drug and people are being hurt - lives are being ruined and yet still the government does nothing to outlaw this vile substance.
How do POPS deal with this harsh reality? One day at a time!
NEXT WEEK ON POPS: We uncover the sick truth about Nappies. Who makes 'em, who wears 'em and what goes on inside.
Fade to black. Theme tune kicks in.
Monday, December 05, 2005
It's all too much!

This is Coby's favoured method of relaxation when he's had a good feed. It makes it difficult to tip him forward to wind him and who would want to disturb this little sleeping Teplet anyway?
The picture was taken a couple of weeks ago when we were still in hospital, hence the cannular in his right hand.
It seems like it was only yesterday and the last three weeks have absolutely flown by, but we are as pleased as punch to be home in time for our first Christmas together.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
A Poem for Coby by Nanna Ann
My little boy blue with the button nose crying for his milk
He wiggles his perfect pink soft toes, his hair and skin like silk
I love every inch of him soft milky little lamb
And soon I'll nurse and cuddle him and push him in his pram
And when he grows a little I will take him to the park
He can feed the ducks and eat icecreams, chat and have a lark
He will find the swings and slides such fun, adore the fair and zoo
I can teach him of lifes wonders, there is so much we will do
Each moment I will treasure with this precious little man
And cherish him forever, because I am his gran!
Love Nanna xx
He wiggles his perfect pink soft toes, his hair and skin like silk
I love every inch of him soft milky little lamb
And soon I'll nurse and cuddle him and push him in his pram
And when he grows a little I will take him to the park
He can feed the ducks and eat icecreams, chat and have a lark
He will find the swings and slides such fun, adore the fair and zoo
I can teach him of lifes wonders, there is so much we will do
Each moment I will treasure with this precious little man
And cherish him forever, because I am his gran!
Love Nanna xx
Poo position
I just learnt something invaluable about parenting. Be creative, think outside the box and NEVER give up.
Man I felt like I had entered a special level of hell. Coby woke up (Babe, is it...Yep) 20 mins ago grizzlin' which escalated to the full lung quickly.
I took him to the spare room to feed etc. Would not settle on the bottle much and realised he was passing a stool (what a great expression eh?). Actually by the sound of it he was passing an entire Ikea store...even the plants and swedish meatballs!!! At one point I even jokingly asked him if he was giving birth??? Got a dirty look from him for that.
After a few minutes the screams had escalated even beyond a full lung to something like a civil warning (perhaps the Russians really WERE coming??? maybe he COULD hear the bombers??? checked the sign...phew...removed protective tin foil helmet).
Could not feed, could not soothe, could not stop him waking Hertfordshire. ARGH!
Lightbulb moment!
Instead of sitting him on lap in the feeding position I turned him to hold him horizontally in my arms.
Success. Not hungry. Not screaming. Sleeping. For now.
Clearly he prefers to poo on his side. Not on his back or sitting up. Brilliant. Will get onto the council tomorrow to see if horizontal toilets are eligible for a grant.
Man I felt like I had entered a special level of hell. Coby woke up (Babe, is it...Yep) 20 mins ago grizzlin' which escalated to the full lung quickly.
I took him to the spare room to feed etc. Would not settle on the bottle much and realised he was passing a stool (what a great expression eh?). Actually by the sound of it he was passing an entire Ikea store...even the plants and swedish meatballs!!! At one point I even jokingly asked him if he was giving birth??? Got a dirty look from him for that.
After a few minutes the screams had escalated even beyond a full lung to something like a civil warning (perhaps the Russians really WERE coming??? maybe he COULD hear the bombers??? checked the sign...phew...removed protective tin foil helmet).
Could not feed, could not soothe, could not stop him waking Hertfordshire. ARGH!
Lightbulb moment!
Instead of sitting him on lap in the feeding position I turned him to hold him horizontally in my arms.
Success. Not hungry. Not screaming. Sleeping. For now.
Clearly he prefers to poo on his side. Not on his back or sitting up. Brilliant. Will get onto the council tomorrow to see if horizontal toilets are eligible for a grant.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Moider Moider
It's 5am ish and I have just done a feed...feel inspired to blog about it and feel creative...bear with me:
It started with a grizzle about 30 minutes ago...I stirred.
The grizzle escalated slowly, and yet fast. Like lightening really.
He was hungry. I positioned him on my knee facing me which is very comfortable for us both, grabbed the correct bottle and aimed it his mouth.
He either finds the next bit hard or amusing but he then moves his mouth to get to the bottle and misses completely. Very zen...very funny. If he just stayed still the bottle would meet his mouth...oh no...too simple...oh well.
Finally teat meets tounge and we avoid hearing a 'full lung'.
Two minutes of silence bar some heavy breathing and slurping. Story of my life eh?
Oh no, Daddy forgot to attach the bib. Bottle withdrawn. SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM.
Almost like he is being if withdrawing the bottle to attach his bib is a crime against humanity. Am convinced social services will come swinging in through the windows at any moment like Tom Cruise in Minority Report.
Bib attached. Bottle re-offered. Mouth whizzing about in every direction but the right one. Eventually bottle docks with mouth. Silence. Milk is his drug and I am his dealer.
Slumber mixes with gluttony (is that a baby thing or a genetic thing?). Towards the end he is almost sleep-feeding (what a great idea eh?).
He relaxes. I burp love his burbs and farts...crack me up. I place him gently on the bed to see if he is off to slumberly-wumberly land. Maybe. Could it be? Is he off? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Nope. Legs moving about. Possibly a poo?
Pick him up. Wind some more. Few drops more of milk. And finally, to sleep, perchance to dream.
It started with a grizzle about 30 minutes ago...I stirred.
The grizzle escalated slowly, and yet fast. Like lightening really.
He was hungry. I positioned him on my knee facing me which is very comfortable for us both, grabbed the correct bottle and aimed it his mouth.
He either finds the next bit hard or amusing but he then moves his mouth to get to the bottle and misses completely. Very zen...very funny. If he just stayed still the bottle would meet his mouth...oh no...too simple...oh well.
Finally teat meets tounge and we avoid hearing a 'full lung'.
Two minutes of silence bar some heavy breathing and slurping. Story of my life eh?
Oh no, Daddy forgot to attach the bib. Bottle withdrawn. SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM.
Almost like he is being if withdrawing the bottle to attach his bib is a crime against humanity. Am convinced social services will come swinging in through the windows at any moment like Tom Cruise in Minority Report.
Bib attached. Bottle re-offered. Mouth whizzing about in every direction but the right one. Eventually bottle docks with mouth. Silence. Milk is his drug and I am his dealer.
Slumber mixes with gluttony (is that a baby thing or a genetic thing?). Towards the end he is almost sleep-feeding (what a great idea eh?).
He relaxes. I burp love his burbs and farts...crack me up. I place him gently on the bed to see if he is off to slumberly-wumberly land. Maybe. Could it be? Is he off? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Nope. Legs moving about. Possibly a poo?
Pick him up. Wind some more. Few drops more of milk. And finally, to sleep, perchance to dream.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Coby checking in...

Hello everyone! This is Coby reporting...
I have been sleeping a great deal today and even mummy had a nap on the couch with me. She and daddy have been watching these things called DVDs, but they seem to make them fall asleep so they can't be much fun.
Yesterday we had a visit from Jenni the health visitor. She popped me on some scales and I now weigh 8lbs 5oz. Is that heavy? Mummy says I am a greedy guzzler but I don't know what that means. I think its good though because mummy gave me lots of hugs afterwards and said she was proud of me. The midwife came for the last time today and said me and mummy can be discharged. We will now get regular visits from Jenni which is good because she is nice and gave mummy and daddy lots of advice about me.
Tomorrow we have an appointment to register my birth and we will get a special certificate. In the meantime auntie Dee and Uncle Rob are coming tonight for pizza. Uncle Rob is a Spurs fan just like me, mummy and daddy, so I am going to wear my Spurs outfit especially - mummy is going to take a picture so you can all see how cute I look.
Anyway, better go as I need milk, a nappy change and more cuddles!
Cheerio love Coby xxxxxxxxxxxx
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