Hello everyone! This is Coby reporting...
I have been sleeping a great deal today and even mummy had a nap on the couch with me. She and daddy have been watching these things called DVDs, but they seem to make them fall asleep so they can't be much fun.
Yesterday we had a visit from Jenni the health visitor. She popped me on some scales and I now weigh 8lbs 5oz. Is that heavy? Mummy says I am a greedy guzzler but I don't know what that means. I think its good though because mummy gave me lots of hugs afterwards and said she was proud of me. The midwife came for the last time today and said me and mummy can be discharged. We will now get regular visits from Jenni which is good because she is nice and gave mummy and daddy lots of advice about me.
Tomorrow we have an appointment to register my birth and we will get a special certificate. In the meantime auntie Dee and Uncle Rob are coming tonight for pizza. Uncle Rob is a Spurs fan just like me, mummy and daddy, so I am going to wear my Spurs outfit especially - mummy is going to take a picture so you can all see how cute I look.
Anyway, better go as I need milk, a nappy change and more cuddles!
Cheerio love Coby xxxxxxxxxxxx
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