Coby's feet were immortalised in paint when we took him to Pots of Art in Hitchin. Being the creative artist in the family, dad was left holding Coby while I set to work with the pottery and paint - what fun I had! I could have attempted a whole dinner set of plates, cups and saucers but Coby will only sleep for so long.

The best thing about our day out was meeting up for the first time with the five other babies born to our new friends from the NCT ante natal classes. Coby got to meet Louis, Olly, Alicia, Jasmine and Lola. They were extremely well-behaved and Coby did not move a muscle while his feet were covered with blue paint. Here he is overwhelmed to meet Alicia (left) and Jasmine (right) for the very first time. All three could hardly contain their excitement.

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