Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sugar and spice and all thats nice

Am so impressed with the bonds made by the girls from the NCT (National Childbirth Trust) group we joined for ante-natal classes. Personally, I recommend them...good for both boys and girls.

Of course whilst the girls are loving the lunch lifestyle the boys are out slogging our guts out working to bring home the bacon. We get no chance to bond and chill. Still does not really compare to giving birth. I suppose.

Of course, I am being facetious. The girls deserve every chillout they are getting. It amazes me how much change their bodies have gone through.

Boys: imagine eating an 8 pound turkey on your own and then carting it about for a few months without going to the loo. Then imagine the biggest bowel movement of your life and the turkey comes out whole. Nuff said.

Men get a simple headache and think they have a tumour but the girls just take it all in their stride.

Yes yes I know I am letting the side down but to be honest they may be the fairer sex but I think they might also be the stronger sex too.

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